SIPTU representatives will meet with the management of Roche Holding AG to discuss its decision to close the company’s plant in Clarecastle, County Clare, on Wednesday (18th November). SIPTU Sector Organiser, Alan O’Leary, said: “Following discussions with our members at the Clarecastle plant we will be engaging in negotiations with management in relation to the timeline for the proposed sale of the site and what assistance it can offer to maintain the plant as a going concern. “We have been informed that there is currently no intention to issue redundancy notices in the immediate term. This provides a period to investigate alternative options for the plant’s future." He added: “The company is a very important employer in the local area, providing jobs that are high quality and well paid. SIPTU representatives are seeking to work with the company and the relevant agencies to secure an outcome to this situation which will see as many jobs as possible saved.” Approximately 100 SIPTU members are employed at the plant in process operations and laboratory technician roles. The plant in total employs over 240 people with a further 200 engaged on indirect contracts. It has been in operation since 1974.