SIPTU representatives attending a meeting of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) today (Friday, 17th February) to discuss the Bus Éireann dispute took the opportunity to inform management that the union will not facilitate its savage attack on public bus services. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone, said: “We took the opportunity in the first engagement with Bus Éireann since it proposed savage pay cuts to outline that our members will not facilitate the creation of a low wage, low service, public transport provider. “SIPTU representatives also stated that management must clarify at the earliest opportunity whether drivers who are employed as school bus drivers and not currently involved in this dispute are also threatened with losing their livelihoods if progress is not made in these talks. “The company was left with a clear understanding that our members will not allow it to ignore existing Labour Court recommendations in circumstances where it is again using state institutions to resolve a dispute and expect our members to buy into whatever may emerge from the discussions.” He added: “Bus Éireann is currently implementing changes that were not agreed with its workers. These changes along with certainty concerning future pay increases for Bus Éireann employees must be central to any discussions. “We will no longer allow our members in Bus Éireann to continue to provide public transport services if the only way to provide those services is to introduce zero hour contracts and to roll back decades of trade union endeavour to maintain and improve employment standards. SIPTU will continue to engage with the company within the parameters which have been outlined.”
SIPTU warns Bus Éireann at WRC it will not facilitate the destruction of public transport
Feb 17, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017