SIPTU has welcomed a Labour Court recommendation issued today which puts the terms and conditions of 10,000 Home Helps employed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) on a firm and binding platform for the first time since the community service was established thirty years ago. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “This Labour Court recommendation is the result of a concerted campaign by SIPTU members in the Home Helps service since 2009 to secure adequate contracts, the maintenance of working hours and security of earnings. It means home helps will have a minimum of seven to ten hours work each week in contrast to the current situation where many are on unacceptable zero hour contracts. We have also secured commitments for the reversal of the overspend on private sector providers, which will benefit the service and also allow for a greater investment in public services in the community while, at the same time, generating value for money”. Bell also noted the Court’s call on the HSE effort to re-organise and manage in a robust manner the Home Help service on a county by county basis. “This will ensure accountability from those who manage the service and will also allow for compensation for those employee’s preferring to exit the service at this time,” he said. The Labour Court recommendation is binding under the terms of Haddington Road (Public Service) Agreement.