Strike action by SIPTU members at Shanganagh Waste Water Treatment Plant, Co. Dublin, scheduled to commence on Tuesday, 7th May, has been deferred following the reinstatement of a worker dismissed for trade union activity. Management and workers representatives will meet at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) on Thursday, 9th May, to discuss other outstanding issues at the facility which treats water for domestic and commercial purposes for 248,000 people living in Dublin and Wicklow. SIPTU members at the plant had voted unanimously for strike action on Thursday, 25th April. The ballot for strike action followed the failure of their employer, the agency ICDS Constructors Ltd, to recognise the right of the workers to be collectively represented by their trade union and the company’s failure to meaningfully engage at the LRC on 23rd April. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Martin Meere, said: “The workers are pleased that their terms for deferring strike action have been accepted. This dispute is essentially about the right of workers to collectively bargain through the union of their choice with their employer. A conclusion to this dispute requires meaningful engagement by all parties and it remains imperative that we make progress in the coming days.” Shanganagh Waste Water Treatment Plant is run by SDD Shanganagh Water Treatment Ltd which is a joint venture between the Irish construction company, John Sisk & Son Ltd, and Spanish companies Dragados S.A. and Drace Medio-Ambiente. SIPTU members are employed through the agency ICDS Contractors Ltd. SDD Shanganagh Water Treatment Ltd recruits, trains and directs all operations on site, and simply instructs ICDS to issue contracts and put the workers through the ICDS payroll.