The Bord Na Móna Group of Unions has requested an urgent meeting with management to discuss a reported plan to sell its subsidiary waste collection company, AES, which was disclosed in a newspaper report on Sunday (7th December). SIPTU Organiser and Bord Na Móna Group of Unions Secretary, John Regan, said: “Union members in AES and the wider Bord Na Móna group are angered by the reported plan to sell this publicly owned waste collection company. The first members heard of this plan was in a media report at the weekend. That workers first heard of this planned change in the status of the company, which will have consequences for their security of employment, through the media is completely unacceptable. “Representatives of the Bord Na Móna Group of Unions met with management only 13 days ago. The fact that the plan to sell AES was not mentioned at this meeting or in the business report on the future plans for Bord Na Móna is not acceptable." He added: “SIPTU is also engaged with the management of AES at the Labour Relations Commission regarding issues affecting members' terms and conditions of employment. Management failed to inform union representatives in that forum of any plans to sell the company. “The Bord Na Móna Group of Unions is now seeking an urgent meeting with management to discuss this proposed sale”. AES collects bins from approximately 100,000 houses across Leinster and Munster, operates five recycling centres, rents skips to homes and businesses and owns a landfill in Carbury, Co. Kildare.