A Workers Rights Welcome Centre, which is open to all workers who wish to ‘drop in’ for information and advice on workplace issues, will open in Connolly Hall, Lapps Quay, Cork, on Friday, 24th February, at 12.00 p.m. Workers’ Rights Welcome Centre (WRWC) project manager, Rachael Ryan, said: “WRWC staff are committed to providing up-to-date free, confidential and accurate information on workplace issues to members of the public who drop in off the street. “WRWCs already operate in Dublin, Tralee and Navan. In these centres, WRWC Advocates and Information Assistants provide advice and representation to workers every day. In many cases, they have saved the jobs of workers or satisfactorily addressed their grievances.” She added: “Workers in the Cork area who are suffering unfair treatment at work and who want face to face advice in a confidential and empathetic setting will be able to drop in to the Centre, which will be open from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Workers can also ring the Centre on 021-4277466.” The WRWC network is complemented by the Worker Rights Centre (WRC) website and dedicated helpline number of 1890 747 881. These services are provided by the WRC, with the support of SIPTU, in solidarity with all workers (members and non-members) who need them. SIPTU Organiser, Martin Corbett, said: “Employment rights are not cut and dried. Many workers work are in precarious, intolerable and inequitable work situations. It is critically important that they organise themselves and join a union.” WRC Information Assistant, Lilian O’Flynn, said: “It is significant that workers have a place where they can come to have their issues listened to and benefit from the knowledge and expertise of those working in the WRC. The Centre is a place where workers who are not already members of a union can feel empowered and work with us to organise themselves and their colleagues into SIPTU.” Head of the WRC, Tom O’Driscoll, said: “The forerunner to the WRC was established in 2010. The WRC is the single biggest user of the State’s employment rights bodies recovering close to €20 million in compensation for workers.”
Workers Rights Welcome Centre to open in Cork to assist people with workplace issues
Feb 22, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017