SIPTU members will assemble near the Irish Ferries offices in Dublin Port tomorrow (Friday, 8th February) at 1.15 p.m. to hold a protest demanding decent wages for seafarers. SIPTU Organiser, Jerry Brennan, said: “The protest will take place as the Irish Ferries vessel the MV W.B. Yeats is docking. It is being held to raise public awareness of Irish Ferries continued determination to navigate around the Irish national minimum wage by using seafarers from less well-paid countries, who are employed by offshore agencies, as cheap labour. “Seafarers based in Ireland cannot compete fairly for jobs which pay wages which do not provide enough money for workers to live decently. Irish Ferries, despite its name, refuses to fly the Irish flag on its ships because it would be required to pay seafarers the Irish national minimum wage.” He added: “The protest tomorrow is a joint action by SIPTU and two UK unions, RMT and Nautilus. It is supported by the European Transport Workers' Federation as part of its Fair Shipping Campaign against the exploitation of workers in the maritime sector. “Workers across Europe are sending out a message to all those behind exploitation on our seas that they will stand together to demand quality jobs for all maritime workers, and a safe, reliable service for the public.”
SIPTU members in Dublin Port to hold protest demanding decent wages for seafarers
Feb 7, 2019 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2019