SIPTU nursing representatives have secured agreement on the payment schedule for a community allowance for nurses in the mental health services following talks with HSE management at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) today (Tuesday, 16th August). SIPTU Organiser, David Field, said: “SIPTU representatives have worked hard to ensure our members in the mental health services are recognised for the massive contribution they make. Central to this has been agreement on a payment recognising the crucial role of mental health nurses within the community. “Over the last number of weeks, SIPTU representatives have worked hard to convince the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform on the reapplication of this essential allowance using the same formula agreed for other groups in the public service.” He added: “Today, it was agreed that the first half of this payment will be made to our members on the 1st September this year. The remainder of the allowance will be provided to members in January 2017. “Such a payment is badly needed and the failure to provide one has, without doubt, negatively impacted on the recruitment and retention of nurses working in mental health services.”
SIPTU secures agreement on payment of community allowance to mental health nurses
Aug 16, 2016 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2016