SIPTU representatives will meet with the management of Andersen Ltd, Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, on Tuesday (10th September) to discuss the custom jewellery manufacturer’s announcement today (Friday, 6th September) that it has entered into voluntary liquidation. SIPTU Organiser, Denis Gormalley, said: “The threat to jobs posed by the announcement that this long established manufacturing company has entered into liquidation has left the workers and their families in a state of shock.“Our 166 members employed at the plant are facing an uncertain future. They were angered when they were informed of the liquidation at a meeting today, in particular, due to the fact that union representatives were in talks with local management only two weeks ago on how to work through the company’s present difficulties and preserve workers’ jobs." He added: “It is now obvious that the parent company has abandoned this course of action. We have arranged a further meeting with local management for next Tuesday and we will leave no stone unturned in our quest to save as many jobs as possible in the plant and get fair redundancy terms for those workers whose employment can not saved.”